CO2 Data Calculator
This is a simple calculator that has been developed to show the worse case scenario of carbon emissions from data. To view just dark data carbon emissions, click on the "Dark Data Cost" tab.
Our calculator has been developed using prior research and is grounded on two key factors: the rate at which data is generated every second, and the amount of CO2 emissions that are produced by data.
We have documented our sources and calculations to provide full transparency and provenance behind the calculator. This ensures that our findings are based on accurate and reliable information, and can be easily replicated or scrutinized by other researchers or stakeholders.
How much data to we create?
There’s no way around it: big data just keeps getting bigger. The numbers are staggering, but they’re not slowing down. It’s estimated that for every person on earth, 1.7 MB of data is created every second. Source -
How much CO2 does data produce?
Saving and storing 100 gigabytes of data in the cloud per year would result in a carbon footprint of about 0.2 tons of CO2, based on the usual U.S. electric mix. Source:
How much does it cost to offset the CO2?
FT puts the nature-based carbon offset cost at $14.40 per tonne of carbon. Source:
We've converted ton to kg to get the $ cost. 1 ton = 907.185kg. Therefore 1 ton of CO2 costs $12.83 and to offset 100 gigabytes with a carbon footprint of 0.2 tons, costs $2.566 per year.
• 1.7MB per second x 60 seconds = 102MB per minute
• 102MB per minute per person x 60 minutes = 6120MB generated per hour per person
• 6120MB x 7.5 hours in a working day = 45900MB per day
• 45900MB per day x 5 days (1 working week) = 229500MB per person, per working week
• 229500MB x 48 working weeks a year = 11016000MB for one employee for the year
• 100000MB or 100GB of data per year = 0.2 tons of CO2
• 1MB = 0.000002 tons of C02
• Annually 1 employee generates 11016000 MB * 0.000002 C02 per MB = 22.03 tons of CO2