In today’s digital era, the responsible management of data has become paramount, not only for economic prosperity but also for environmental sustainability and societal well-being. The BASE framework outlined by Ian Hodgkinson and Tom Jackson underscores the critical importance of sustainable growth, fairness, transparency, security, and accountability in data practices. However, amidst the rapid proliferation of digital technologies, there’s a pressing need for a comprehensive digital decarbonization strategy. Such a strategy would align with the principles of the framework by addressing the environmental impact of data infrastructure, reducing unnecessary data proliferation, and mitigating risks associated with data misuse. By implementing a digital decarbonization strategy alongside robust data governance practices, organizations can not only contribute to inclusive growth and sustainable development but also mitigate the environmental footprint of their digital operations, ensuring a more equitable and environmentally conscious digital future.
Introducing: SustainaBle dAta & ethicS framework (BASE)
Digital Decarbonization Strategic Blocks
In short, Digital Decarb is about the responsible use of knowledge and data to minimize carbon emissions from digital practices. 8 core strategic blocks underpin Digital Decarb’s research agenda and collectively serve to benefit people, profit, and planet.
Reducing our ‘Digital Carbon Footprint. Together’ is a complex ambition and for organizations to realize this, multiple objectives must be met simultaneously. Digital Decarb recognizes that sustainability must be championed alongside financial objectives (e.g. reducing the bottom-line, wealth creation, etc.), whilst also empowering employees to flourish in the workplace (e.g. improving employee wellbeing, reducing stress, etc.). By progressing research and building empirical evidence across 8 strategic blocks, Digital Decarb delivers gains across the board for people, profit, and planet by:
Digital Decarbonization Strategic Blocks